
This page is to provide information regarding our updates, improvements and new feature releases to the METEOR platform. 

For any assistance or additional information, please feel welcome to reach out via our Contact form.

Upcoming Releases

    To be announced

Prior Releases





This list may be updated over time, for words or phrases added to the Changelogs. 

  • "Legacy" refers to the METEOR Platform prior to the upgrade on the 4th of May 2022.
  • "Contextual Help or Help Topics" refers to the i symbol when creating/viewing metadata and navigating the site, which is also a searchable content type via the Advanced Search tool.

Version Information

Version number resides at the bottom left of the site, underneath the footer menu.

Version numbers explained:
[Major].[Minor].[Build] (e.g. 1.2.20220101.1)

Major: Big enhancements to the site such as API or major site navigational changes
Minor: Iterative updates such as monthly patching to the site for issues/improvements
Build: Date.Iteration the day of deployment. Usually date.1 however if there are failures or changes this will become date.2 and so forth.