Changelog - 31st May 2022

Version 1.0.0+20220531.2


Data Rendering

# Data Element: Classification Scheme visible on print friendly view.
[InternalRef: #17718]

# Data Element: "Implementation in Indicators" now showing data.
[InternalRef: #17711]

# Object Class: "Data Element Concepts implementing this Object Class" correctly validates.
[InternalRef: #17545]

# Value Domain: "Data elements implementing this value domain" correctly validates.
[InternalRef: #17544]

# Workgroup Access: Registry Management attributes renders for those with access to the workgroup.
[InternalRef: #18576/18557]

# 404 error on Value Domain page fixed.
[InternalRef: #18641]

# Error processing request on Indicator and Data Element. Pages now launch.
[InternalRef: #18925/18966]



# Classification Scheme: Tables and Hyperlinks download readability improved.
[InternalRef: #18229]

# Data Element: Technical and User friendly downloads were behaving oppositely.
[InternalRef: #18198]

# Data Element: Permissible values missing in Word download.
[InternalRef: #18983]

# Data Set Specification: Glossary items now included in Word download.
[InternalRef: #19008]

# Data Set Specification: Supporting items no longer frozen on Word download.
[InternalRef: #18951]

# Glossary Items: Missing title/heading now showing in Word download.
[InternalRef: #19013]

Non Metadata Content

# Search indexing and search page updated to include published and retired content changes.
[InternalRef: #18905/#18881]

# Steward pages descriptions legacy information included.
[InternalRef: #18570]

# Newly created topics now include the Right Hand Menu.
[InternalRef: #17826]


Registration Workflow

# Non Dictionary Status corrected on legacy data items. [Example]
[InternalRef: #18976]

# Registration status correctly validates from legacy "Final" to "Candidate".
[InternalRef: #17542/17543]